Kapellen van de passen - Heilige Geest (Estremoz)

Estremoz, Évora, Portugal

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Uit de verantwoordelijkheid van de Broederschap van de Heer Jezus van de trappen, werden deze in het begin van de achttiende eeuw gebouwd. Aanvankelijk vijf, het verdween in 1960, degene die naast de uitgestorven kerk van Santo André was. De andere, die vrij gelijkaardig zijn, bevinden zich in Rua da Porta (in de Bairro da Santiago), aan de monding van Rua Alexandre Herculano (voorheen Rua de Malfor) en Largo do Espírito Santo, Francisco en, ten slotte, aan de linkerkant van de grens van het klooster van Maltesas. Dat wil zeggen, ze volgen precies de route van de al bestaande Processie van Senhor dos Passos, die in Estremoz de zondag vóór Palmzondag plaatsvindt.

De schoonheid is erg te danken aan het marmer dat in de constructie werd gebruikt, waar het wit en de strepen met zwarte aderen opvallen. De gevels laten ons rolrollen zien, het embleem van de Broederschap en de Wonden van Christus. Andere karakteristieke kenmerken van de buitenkant zijn de piramidale pinakels of de houten steunen met kussens. In het interieur vallen de marmeren altaren versierd met sint-jakobsschelpen en geometrische decoratie op, niet te vergeten de prachtige retables.

Rua Alexandre Herculano, Estremoz

Maar de grootste verrijking zal moeten worden gegeven aan de fresco's die de Passie van Christus voorstellen, met de overeenkomstige Latijnse verzen, en aan de tegelpanelen, waarschijnlijk uit de Bernardes-werkplaats, uit het eerste derde deel van de achttiende eeuw. De laatste hebben motieven met Atlantische jongens en pilasters. Het thema varieert van kapel tot kapel, maar toch allemaal gerelateerd aan de laatste momenten van het leven van Jezus Christus.
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Kapellen van de passen - Heilige Geest (Estremoz)
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Outros locais a visitar

Binnen een straal van 20 km van:

Kapellen van de passen - Heilige Geest (Estremoz)


Convent of Our Lady of Consolation (Estremoz)

0,0 Km
Convent of Our Lady of Consolation (Estremoz)


Fountain of the Holy Spirit (Estremoz)

0,0 Km
Fountain of the Holy Spirit (Estremoz)


Monumental Set of the Alcáçova de Estremoz - Torres da Curia

0,0 Km
Monumental Set of the Alcáçova de Estremoz - Torres da Curia


Estremoz Castle

0,1 Km
Estremoz Castle


Chapel of the Steps - Lage Door (Estremoz)

0,2 Km
Chapel of the Steps - Lage Door (Estremoz)


Monumental Set of the Alcáçova de Estremoz - Chapel of the Queen Santa Isabel

0,2 Km
Monumental Set of the Alcáçova de Estremoz - Chapel of the Queen Santa Isabel


Monumental Set of the Alcáçova de Estremoz - Castle

0,2 Km
Monumental Set of the Alcáçova de Estremoz - Castle


House of the Alcaide-mor (Estremoz)

0,2 Km
House of the Alcaide-mor (Estremoz)


Hermitage of the Lord Jesus of the Lambs (Estremoz)

0,2 Km
Hermitage of the Lord Jesus of the Lambs (Estremoz)


Church of Santa Maria (Estremoz)

0,2 Km
Church of Santa Maria (Estremoz)


Medieval Walls - Porta de Santarém (Estremoz)

0,2 Km
Medieval Walls - Porta de Santarém (Estremoz)


Medieval City Hall (Estremoz)

0,2 Km
Medieval City Hall (Estremoz)


Manueline jail (Estremoz)

0,2 Km
Manueline jail (Estremoz)


Chapel of Our Lady of Good Success (Estremoz)

0,2 Km
Chapel of Our Lady of Good Success (Estremoz)


Menagem Tower (Estremoz)

0,2 Km
Menagem Tower (Estremoz)


Estremoz - Informação Geral

0,3 Km
Estremoz - Informação Geral


Lake of the Gadanha (Estremoz)

0,3 Km
Lake of the Gadanha (Estremoz)


Doors and bastions of the Évora Gate (Estremoz)

0,3 Km
Doors and bastions of the Évora Gate (Estremoz)


Bicas Fountain (Estremoz)

0,3 Km
Bicas Fountain (Estremoz)


Church of Santiago (Estremoz)

0,4 Km
Church of Santiago (Estremoz)


Chapel of the Steps - Santo André (Estremoz)

0,4 Km
Chapel of the Steps - Santo André (Estremoz)


Pillory of Estremoz

0,4 Km
Pillory of Estremoz


Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Socorro (Estremoz)

0,4 Km
Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Socorro (Estremoz)


Church of São Francisco, Understanding the Tomb of Esteves Gatuz (Estremoz)

0,4 Km
Church of São Francisco, Understanding the Tomb of Esteves Gatuz (Estremoz)


Cruise of São Francisco (Estremoz)

0,4 Km
Cruise of São Francisco (Estremoz)


Chapel of D. Fradique of Portugal (Estremoz)

0,4 Km
Chapel of D. Fradique of Portugal (Estremoz)


Museum of the Cavalry Regiment No. 3 (Estremoz)

0,4 Km
Museum of the Cavalry Regiment No. 3 (Estremoz)


Coffee Shop Águias D'Ouro (Estremoz)

0,4 Km
Coffee Shop Águias D


Fountain of Currais (Estremoz)

0,5 Km
Fountain of Currais (Estremoz)


Páteo dos Solares (Estremoz)

0,5 Km
Páteo dos Solares (Estremoz)


Chapel of the Steps - San Francisco (Estremoz)

0,5 Km
Chapel of the Steps - San Francisco (Estremoz)


Doors and ramparts of the Door of Santa Catarina

0,5 Km
Doors and ramparts of the Door of Santa Catarina


Fountain of Saint John of God (Estremoz)

0,5 Km
Fountain of Saint John of God (Estremoz)


Congregados Convent (Estremoz)

0,5 Km
Congregados Convent (Estremoz)


Portuguese sidewalk of Estremoz

0,6 Km
Portuguese sidewalk of Estremoz


Museum of Sacred Art (Estremoz)

0,6 Km
Museum of Sacred Art (Estremoz)


Doors and ramparts of the Gate of the Corrals

0,6 Km
Doors and ramparts of the Gate of the Corrals


Viva Historical Center of Estremoz (Estremoz)

0,6 Km
Viva Historical Center of Estremoz (Estremoz)


Maltesas Convent (Estremoz)

0,6 Km
Maltesas Convent (Estremoz)


Cloister of the Convent of the Maltesas (Estremoz)

0,6 Km
Cloister of the Convent of the Maltesas (Estremoz)


Theatre Bernardim Ribeiro (Estremoz)

0,6 Km
Theatre Bernardim Ribeiro (Estremoz)


Hermitage of Santo Cristo (Estremoz)

0,6 Km
Hermitage of Santo Cristo (Estremoz)


Capelas dos Passos - Maltesas (Estremoz)

0,6 Km
Capelas dos Passos - Maltesas (Estremoz)


Fire Museum (Estremoz)

0,8 Km
Fire Museum (Estremoz)


Railroad Museum of Estremoz

0,8 Km
Railroad Museum of Estremoz


Church of São Bento do Ameixial

5,0 Km
Church of São Bento do Ameixial


Hermitage of São Romão de São Lourenço de Mamporcão (Estremoz)

6,6 Km
Hermitage of São Romão de São Lourenço de Mamporcão (Estremoz)


Church of São Lourenço de Mamporcão

6,8 Km
Church of São Lourenço de Mamporcão


Church of Santo António dos Arcos (Estremoz)

6,9 Km
Church of Santo António dos Arcos (Estremoz)


Church of São Bento do Cortiço

9,3 Km
Church of São Bento do Cortiço


Church of Santa Vitória do Ameixial

9,5 Km
Church of Santa Vitória do Ameixial


Roman Villa of Santa Vitória do Ameixial (Estremoz)

9,7 Km
Roman Villa of Santa Vitória do Ameixial (Estremoz)


Padrão de Montes Claros – Rio de Moinhos (Borba)

11,0 Km
Padrão de Montes Claros – Rio de Moinhos (Borba)


Commemorative Standard of the Battle of Montes Claros (Borba)

11,1 Km
Commemorative Standard of the Battle of Montes Claros (Borba)


Parish Church of São Tiago - Rio de Moinhos (Borba)

11,3 Km
Parish Church of São Tiago - Rio de Moinhos (Borba)


Community Oven - Orada (Borba)

11,3 Km
Community Oven - Orada (Borba)


Our Lady of the Orada Church (Borba)

11,4 Km
Our Lady of the Orada Church (Borba)


St. Gregory Hermitage - Rio de Moinhos (Borba)

11,8 Km
St. Gregory Hermitage - Rio de Moinhos (Borba)


Our Lady of Victory Church - Barro Branco (Borba)

11,9 Km
Our Lady of Victory Church - Barro Branco (Borba)


St. Bartholomew Church (Borba)

11,9 Km
St. Bartholomew Church (Borba)


Convent of the Servants (Borba)

12,1 Km
Convent of the Servants (Borba)


Lord Jesus of the Afflicted Chapel (Borba)

12,3 Km
Lord Jesus of the Afflicted Chapel (Borba)


Borba Castle

12,5 Km
Borba Castle


Steps of the Lord (Borba)

12,5 Km
Steps of the Lord (Borba)


Fountain of the Bicas or Borba Fountain

12,6 Km
Fountain of the Bicas or Borba Fountain


Church of the Misericórdia (Borba)

12,6 Km
Church of the Misericórdia (Borba)


Bicas Fountain (Borba)

12,6 Km
Bicas Fountain (Borba)


Evoramonte Castle

13,4 Km
Evoramonte Castle


Hermitage of Santa Margarida de Evoramonte

13,4 Km
Hermitage of Santa Margarida de Evoramonte


Church of St. Peter of Evoramonte

13,8 Km
Church of St. Peter of Evoramonte


Church of the Misericordia of Evoramonte

13,8 Km
Church of the Misericordia of Evoramonte


House of the Evoramonte Convention

13,8 Km
House of the Evoramonte Convention


Town Hall of Evoramonte

13,8 Km
Town Hall of Evoramonte


Evoramonte Public Water Tank

13,8 Km
Evoramonte Public Water Tank


Church of Our Lady of the Conception of Evoramonte

13,9 Km
Church of Our Lady of the Conception of Evoramonte


Veiros Castle (Estremoz)

14,2 Km
Veiros Castle (Estremoz)


Church and Hospital of Misericórdia de Veiros

14,3 Km
Church and Hospital of Misericórdia de Veiros


Fountain of Our Lady of Mileu de Veiros

14,3 Km
Fountain of Our Lady of Mileu de Veiros


Church of the Savior of Veiros (Estremoz)

14,3 Km
Church of the Savior of Veiros (Estremoz)


Chapel of Our Lady of the Conception of Veiros (Estremoz)

14,3 Km
Chapel of Our Lady of the Conception of Veiros (Estremoz)


Agricultural Museum Museum José M. Matos Cortes (Estremoz)

14,4 Km
Agricultural Museum Museum José M. Matos Cortes (Estremoz)


Church of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios de Veiros

14,4 Km
Church of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios de Veiros


Pillory of Veiros

14,4 Km
Pillory of Veiros


Hermitage of Our Lady of Mileu de Veiros

14,6 Km
Hermitage of Our Lady of Mileu de Veiros


Vila Viçosa Palace

16,2 Km
Vila Viçosa Palace


Paço Ducal of Vila Viçosa

16,3 Km
Paço Ducal of Vila Viçosa


Agostinhos Convent and Church (Vila Viçosa)

16,4 Km
Agostinhos Convent and Church (Vila Viçosa)


St. Bartholomew Church (Vila Viçosa)

16,6 Km
St. Bartholomew Church (Vila Viçosa)


Republic Square Fountain (Vila Viçosa)

16,7 Km
Republic Square Fountain (Vila Viçosa)


Our Lady of the Conception Sanctuary (Vila Viçosa)

16,7 Km
Our Lady of the Conception Sanctuary  (Vila Viçosa)


Vila Viçosa Castle

16,8 Km
Vila Viçosa Castle

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